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Tuesday, November 22, 2022

National Park Torres del Paine

This is a spectacular scene, subject of many a documentary. We had a very clear day but rain is expected tomorrow. 

Look closely...there are penguins.

We visited the islands where Magellenic Penguins nest.

Nifty way to get to the boat.

We stood on a big cart which was pushed out to the boat so that we didn't  have to Wade through the surf.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

South to Puerto Varas

We spent 2 days in the far north, in the village of Putre. No access to wifi so I have some catching up to do. This is a view of the volcano Osorio as we birded the forest today.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

In the far north of Chile

We flew from Santiago this morning to Arica in the north. We are in the Atacama desert, the driest desert in the world. The shower in our room has a skylight with no covering at all, just open to the sky.

Monday, November 14, 2022

More Andes

We were at about 8500 feet today but I could feel the thinness in the air. We saw several target bird species but we also admired this amazing scenery.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

The Andes are spectacular

Every bird I see is a life bird even if it is not rare. The highlight for today might have been the Giant Hummingbird, largest in the world. No photo of that one.


Humboldt Penguins all over a rock with their burrows. Some young ones, too.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Wow, birds in the Municipal Park

We birded the park this morning and every bird was a lifer for me. Nice close ups of some gorgeous birds. Spot flanked gallinule, flamingos (not "tickable because they are captive, but nevertheless), Red gartered Coot.
Off to a great start.

Flying of to Santiago

A rare bird

I don't take very good bird photos with my phone but this one was easy. A Black Neck Stork, one of only 6 individuals in the whole count...