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Monday, November 18, 2024

A rare bird

I don't take very good bird photos with my phone but this one was easy. A Black Neck Stork, one of only 6 individuals in the whole country.

Sri Lanka is joyful over the election of its new president.

Several months ago the citizens of Sri Lanka elected a new president, a man from a working class background, who promised to stop the corruption of the last 30 years. The families that had run the country had left poor villagers to fend for themselves. The president was elected overwhelmingly but he needed a parliament that would help him make reforms. That election took place a few days ago when we were in a small mountain village. We watched people making their way into the polling place, distances of 5 miles or more, to cast their vote. The president's party won overwhelmingly. A local Sri Lankan pointed out the sight of the old parliament members leaving town

Egrets and fruit bats

Very large fruit-eating bats hang in the trees in tropical countries where they devour mangos and papayas and no doubt other things as well. There is a well known spot at the edge of town where the egrets, herons and ibis come in to roost at night. As the birds fly in the bats fly out. The white spots on the dark trees are birds.

Monday, November 11, 2024

A rare bird

I don't take very good bird photos with my phone but this one was easy. A Black Neck Stork, one of only 6 individuals in the whole count...