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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Is Portly A Bad Thing

Guides at Santa Ana Refuge pointed out that White tipped Doves' call sounds like blowing across the top of a Coke bottle. It is a lovely sound. I'm using  several apps for birding. The most important of course, is ebird. It's where most birders keep their lists. Inez and nancoix turned me on to Merlin and its sound recordings. I find it is mostly correct although the photos not so much. Nancoix also uses Birdseye which I'm finding useful. That app has bird descriptions by Kenn Kaufman and he says White tip Doves are hard to see, portly Doves that are more often heard than seen. At Santa Ana I kept seeing Doves that walked like pigeons, you know that kind of swagger? That's what I was seeing all over the place. These aren't doves but i guess i didn't take a photo.

1 comment:

A rare bird

I don't take very good bird photos with my phone but this one was easy. A Black Neck Stork, one of only 6 individuals in the whole count...